Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

new A3100 ROM (WM 6.5) build 28233

Buat pengguna A3100 motosurf, yg ini ROM pake Windows Mobile 6.5
penampakannya :

Saya sendiri blom nyoba jadi lom bisa kasih review....(*.mo kesurabaya dulu)

download linknya

tret asal

tutor dan tool buat flash:
  • step 1. download Motorola_A3100_USB_Driver_0.01 : USB Driver
  • Step 2. download MB60_Download_Tool_V1.8 : MB60_Download_Tool_V1.8.rar
  • Step 3. download Rom WM6.1(language in chinese) : Chineese ROM
  • Step 4. download Rom WM6.5(language in English) : English ROM
  • Step 5. Extract all file you downloaded. Turn off your phone, Remove battery, plug in cable to PC and A3100. Press and hold "End Call" + "track ball" + "Power" on A3100. Screen of A3100 display "download mode".
  • Step 6. PC'll request you driver, you browser to "Motorola_A3100_USB_Driver_0.01"
  • Step 7. When PC recognize A3100, open "MB60_Download_Tool_V1.8", run "DL Tool.exe"
  • Step 8. on Screen of DL Tool, click "Main"-->"file"-->"Add", browser to " Rom WM6.1(language is Chinese)"
  • Step 9. At "COM" on DL Tool, choose "COM1" and press "start". If It displays "error" or the same anything, don't worry, you must try another COM (for example: COM2, COM3...) and press "start" again (My A3100 is COM5).---> remember number of your COM. For 10 minutes, DL Tool displays "finish", you press "OK" and DL Tool displays "Ready".
  • Step 10. Close DL Tool, unplug cable from A3100, put battery on and turn on A3100. Screen of A3100 is "clean boot". You must wait when A3100 boot to main progam and setup some softwares for the fist time. it finish and A3100 will restart.
A3100 has rom WM6.1 with chinese Language, don't worry. Do it again from "step 5". Skip "Step 6" because it installed. at "Step 8", be careful, you must browser to Rom WM6.5 (Language is English). At "step 9", choose your COM which you remembered. And for 10 minutes, you have WM6.5 on A3100.

Remember, you have to flash A3100 to WM6.1 with Chinese language before flash it to WM6.5 with English languge. It's very important to Your A3100 operate stably.